
RMC's investment process begins with establishing a thorough understanding of your goals and needs. Goals-based investing defines your needs and objectives, which lays the foundation for your customized investment strategy and financial plan.


Investment management is our only business. Establishing your financial plan and building your Investment Policy Statement (IPS) will provide the foundation upon how your assets are managed to meet your objectives.

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Our team will seek to know you and your complete financial picture, then develop and discuss personalized strategies to meet your goals. Your portfolio is designed around your IPS, which outlines your asset allocation, investment preferences, risk parameters and cash flow needs, while setting expectations for our investment partnership.


RMC does not use investment models, but constructs a customized portfolio of investments, as all individual and institutional clients are unique. Your portfolio investments are guided by your IPS and based in our research methodology and disciplined investing process. As an RMC client, you have a highly experienced and credentialed investment team working towards your objectives and in your best interest.

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To build the equity portion of your portfolio, RMC's Investment Committee seeks out high-quality companies at attractive prices through its own independent research, due diligence and fundamental analysis. Our stock selection process considers both quantitative and qualitative concepts, uses several levels of screening and is supported by multiple highly regarded institutional research sources. As an independent advisor, RMC has the freedom to provide objective recommendations, and the ability to implement our disciplined investment strategy for long-term capital appreciation in personalized, diversified portfolios.

Fixed Income:

The fixed income portion of your portfolio is constructed to preserve principle, provide predictable income and minimize portfolio risk. RMC's Portfolio Managers purchase investment grade bonds from leading brokerage firms, and continuously monitor quality while part of your portfolio. As interest rate changes are not predictable, we utilize a laddered bond strategy to spread interest rate risk across the yield curve. Your bond investments are purchased with the intent they will be held to maturity, yet are actively managed if an adjustment will provide an increase in income, improvement in asset quality or a net gain in your portfolio.


All holdings are continuously evaluated by RMC's Investment Committee to ensure our investment thesis remains intact, as even minor changes in the macroeconomic environment or fundamentals of a company can impact the financial lives of our clients. Transparency and communication are pillars to our partnership to ensure your investment objectives, risk parameters and overall financial plan remain on track.

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RMC's Investment Committee meets regularly to facilitate constant collaboration and sharing of information and ideas. Your individual portfolio is continuously monitored for opportunities or concerns with individual securities or sectors of the market. Our team works together to ensure appropriate risk and liquidity management as put forth in your investment guidelines.

As an RMC client, you will receive regular updates and performance reviews, and always have direct access to your Portfolio Manager and our investment team. Our sophisticated portfolio management software is one example of RMC's commitment to our investment in client-focused, cloud-based technology. This provides data security, management efficiency and flexible reporting and analysis, serving as a fundamental part of our investment discipline.